Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    • Stop / Restart Auto-Billing, Resign Membership, Hide / Un-HideProfile Viewing

      1. How do I stop monthly / annual renewals and billing and resign my membership?

        To stop the monthly / annual renewals and billing and to resign your membership, go to the Member Login page and select the Resign My Membership link on the right side and then login.

        You will be presented with two options:

        1. I want to cancel my automatic recurring billing, but retain access to my Member Profile until it reaches its expiration date. Selecting this option will also retain your information in case you decide to renew your membership after expiration. A new payment is required just prior to your membership expiration date to reactivate recurring billing and to continue uninterrupted access.

          If your membership expires, go to the Member Login page and use the Renew Expired Membership link at the right to renew and re-access your profile.

        2. I want to cancel my automatic recurring billing and permanently delete ALL of my Member Profile content. This action will cause you to have to begin fresh if you decide to use the service at a later date. THIS ACTION WILL REMOVE ALL OF YOUR INFORMATION AND CANNOT BE UNDONE.

        Note: If you selected the first option and then decide to cancel your membership and delete your Member Profile, return to the Resign My Membership link and login. A single option to permanently delete all of your member profile content will be presented. Per the membership agreement that you agreed to, no monetary credit will be issued. See refund policy.

      2. How do I reactivate monthly / annual billing?

        To reactivate monthly / annual billing, go to the Member Login page and select the Reactivate Billing link on the right side.

        A new payment is required to reactivate recurring billing and to continue uninterrupted access. Doing this just prior to your membership expiration date is the best way to ensure that you get the most use of your membership before billing reactivates.

        If your membership has expired, go to the Member Login page and use the Renew Expired Membership link at the right to renew and regain access your profile.

      3. If I canceled my automatic recurring billing and permanently deleted ALL of my Member Profile content, can I regain access to this information?


      4. Why does Emergency Contact Data retain my Profile information after my membership lapses?

        Your Member Profile and all of the information is retained unless you use the permanently delete feature within the Resign Membership link on the Member Login page.

        We do this because you could unintentionally let your membership lapse, or if intentional, you may later realize the importance and utility of Emergency Contact Data and want to reactivate recurring billing to continue your membership and regain access to your information.

      5. Whose responsibility is it to delete my Membership / Member Profile?

        It is the responsibility of the current or lapsed Member to take action to delete their private, personal, Member Profile information. Legally, Emergency Contact Data cannot modify member data.

      6. How do I Hide / Un-Hide the viewing of my medical records and contacts from everyone except me?

          This feature is for members who wish to use the utility of Emergency Contact Data, but want to prevent all others from viewing their information.

          If hidden, your profile will not be accessible through Member Linking if you are in a linked group.

          If hidden, you will still have complete membership access and be able to add or modify data in your Profile.

        1. Click Member Login
        2. Then click on Hide / Un-Hide in the menu to the right
        3. Then login
        4. Click Hide or Un-Hide
        5. Click Submit
      7. See Family Linking to learn how to restore this feature when removed by hidding a member’s profile.