Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    • Login and Passwords Retrieval and Changing

      1. How do I recover my lost password?

        You cannot directly retrieve your password, that is why it is imperative that you record it and keep it in a safe place outside of your computer. You can, however, request a new password using your Member ID and email address that will give you access to your Profile Center.

      2. How do I change my password?

        You can change your password at anytime within your Profile Center by selecting the Update Password / Email menu item under Manage Profiles.

      3. Is my password secure?

        Yes, your password is encrypted.

      4. Why doesn’t my pet have a password?

        Since your pet will not be logging in and entering its profile information, there is no need for it to have a password.

      5. Where do I login to the Employer / Employee Benefit, Non-Profit Fundraising or Revenue-Share dashboards?

        Login by selecting PROGRAMS at the bottom of the Home page and then Account Login.

      6. How do I prevent my saved password from prohibiting me to log in with a different password?

        In some cases a browser (for example, Google Chrome) may autofill the password field with the password that you have told the brower to remember. This may make it difficult for you to enter a different passsword. If this is the case, take these steps to disable this feature for your Emergency Contact Data login:

        1. Click on the 3-bar symbol at the upper right of your browser to view Chrome options.
        2. Locate and click on “Settings”.
        3. Click on the “Advanced Settings” link.
        4. Find the Passwords and Forms section.
        5. Next to the checkbox, “Offer to save your passwords.” click the “Manage Passwords” link.
        6. A listing of your saved passwords will be displayed. Delete this saved password by moving your mouse over the password and clicking on the “X” at the right.
        7. Click “Done” — You will now be able to enter a different password.